
Monday, December 2, 2019

SJj teaser week Day 1

Rendered Image


  1. Lorde grew Fame In 2013

  1. Lorde has 6m followers on instagram and facebook  and 8m on twitter

  1. Her Dad is  Vic O’Connor and her mum is Sonja Yelich

  1. Her real name is Ella Yelich-O’Connor

  1. She has At Least 18 songs

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lord's prayer

WALT: say our lord's prayer properly

E tō mātau Matua e te rangi 
Kia tapu tou ingoa 
Kia tae mai tou ragatira- tanga 
Kia meatia tau e pai ai
Ki runga i te whenuau
Homai ki a matou aianei
He taro mā mātou mo tēnei ra
Murua mātou hara
Me mātou hoki e muru nei
I o te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou
Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whaka-waia
Engari whaka-orangia mātou mo, i te kino:
Nou hoki te rangatira-tanga
Te kaha 
Me te kororia 
Ake ake ake

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Usain Bolt

Explain writing marking

WALT use a rubric to mark a piece of writing.  
Success criteria I will use the rubric to mark the write why I gave it that point.
I will add total of points and give it a level.

In our  Tautoro School  we have so many new students who have enrolled  in our school. Because of the new enrollments every time we have a  powhiri or assembly we always get squashed, and we feel really uncomfortable. So the facility that is needed in Tautoro School  is a new hall.
Why do we need a hall?

First a  hall is needed by Tautoro School because when we have new students enrolling in our school, every new child needs  a powhiri. There are more students enrolling into our school every week and we are feeling really squashed in our small library.  If we had a hall our manuhiri would feel more comfortable and they would be able to shake everybody's hands without pushing past students and then they would feel very welcomed, comfortable and feel more relaxed. 

Secondly: if we had a community hall we would also be able to play sports inside.   If it was raining or if it became too hot. Then we wouldn't be missing out on our fitness and fitness  makes you feel good and it exercises your brain. And this would help students to concentrate more in class.

Another reason why we need a hall is so that we could get a kitchen built in the hall then we would be able to have technology at our school instead of travelling to town to use another school's kitchen.  We would be able to learn how to cook and bake and then we would be able to help our whanau cook and bake at home.

Last of all we need  a hall because our community would be able to use the hall in the weekend which will bring  all our local communities together for meetings or gala days.

In conclusion, I strongly believe we need a community hall at our school because our  Tautoro school community is growing every week with new students enrolling into our school. It is important  that we have a new hall so that we won't be squashed and then we would feel comfortable and then we would listen better because we would all feel relaxed. If we don't have a hall we will always feel squashed and we will not have enough room in our teeny library for new students.

                                 Score     Reasons why you have given this mark
They have lots of ideas which connects to the topic.
Structure Language
This writing is structured appropriately and well developed. 
This writing is organised into basic paragraphs. 
They can write a lot of simple words and some extra words to add
Sentence Structure
They can write most of sentences correctly.
They mostly use full stops and capital letters correctly.
They spelt the majority of essential list of words
3p writer 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Student lab sheet

Student Lab Sheet: Paper Chair Challenge                    
My Questions?

Were you successful in the challenge? Why?
We were successful because our chair that we
made the bear could sit on it.

What was the most difficult part of the challenge?
the most difficult part of the challenge was
folding the paper equally. 

What was the best idea you came up with during this challenge?
The best idea we came up with during
this challenge was to put a supporter under the chair.

Did your paper chair work? Why or Why not?  
We were successful because our chair that we made the bear could sit on it. 

What type of chair design did you use? Why?
We did an origami chair and taped a rolled up piece of paper to support it.

What did you learn about construction and
engineering during this challenge? 

Yes we said that our seat were too small so we
taped our own seat with the

Friday, August 2, 2019


We have been learning about Ihumatao
 the land issue.
We had to choose a side:
Maori or Settlers.
How would it have been at the time.
Here is mine:
“We will ATTACK” I screamed!
I could feel my shoulders rising and hear my deep breathing 
I will get revenge! I thought.
I stared around cautiously I
could see men stomping angrily.
I could hear my whanau yelling at the settlers.

I could smell the gun fire. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Easter carnival - My recount

WALT use the correct structure for a recount
Success Criteria:
  • I will have a title
  • I will have an orientation(who what where when how)
  • I will use sequence words(first,next,after,then,
  • finally,shortly)
  • I talked about how I felt

Kerikeri Feastival

On Sunday me, Mum, Rawiri and Joeche all went to the
easter carnival in Kerikeri.
It felt like it took us a long time to get there.
First we got stuck in the traffic, we were lucky it was only the
morning. The easter carnival was starting in 2 hours.

Finally!, we got there it had already started.
They were starting the big easter hunt they hid the
easter eggs in the hay.
I saw where they put the eggs so I knew where to look.
One egg was all the way on the left hand side of the hay
poking out so I grabbed that one. I  saw another one on the top
in a tiny gap you could see  through the hay, so I grabbed that
one too. I saw the  third egg it was in the hay where you can’t
see it, but I found it When I ripped the hay apart so that’s three
easter eggs. I found 3 eggs but there will be easter eggs for
prizes at the games.

Next I ran to the games the first game was to throw a sticky ball
at either a 5,  15 and a 25 you had to hit one for a prize and
then you could choose between bubbles and chocolate,
I chose chocolate and then I went back to play again so I could
 win bubbles for Rawiri and Joeche.

Meanwhile Joeche and Rawiri got their faces painted. Joeche
had a tiger face and Rawiri had a Spiderman face.  Joeche
looked cool with the tiger and Rawiri got fake sticky spider
webs with it and Joeche got claws.

Then we went to another game but the line was too long so I
said to mum “can we go on the cars” and Mum said “yes”. So
Me and Joeche got in the cars and raced to see who would win.
 Joeche got in the front car and I got in the back, while Rawiri
went on the big inflated slide. Joeche was in the lead and I was
just at the back but when there was a corner I took a sharp turn
so he closed in on me but I went a little faster and took the lead.
 When we came to the corner he went to much to the other side
and he crashed, so I automatically win.

After that  Joeche asked if we could go on the bucking bull it’s
when you get on the machine bull and it tries to buck you off ,

the bull is controlled by a  man. So Rawiri went first and he got
put him on a low speed so he was on the longest, he stayed on
for 7 minutes but when Joeche went on it was at half way and
he stayed on for 3 minutes when I jumped on and I was at full
speed I stayed on for 6 minutes I thought that was good
because it was on full speed. Later that afternoon we had
frozen cokes because we were dying in the heat so we bought
3 frozen cokes and 1 rasberry and after that we went home.  

I enjoyed my day because it was cool because we got to do
heaps of activities.

I have achieved my  WALT.